The NBPD Chaplaincy is a volunteer-staffed division of the New Braunfels Police Department whose mission is to provide service and support to the officers, civilian employees, and their families. It is a State of Texas Nonprofit Corporation and has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the IRS.
Although not a primary responsibility, the NBPD Chaplaincy also serves the residents of the City of New Braunfels, and other First Responder agencies upon request.
The NBPD Chaplaincy is a self-funded division of the NBPD. All Chaplains serve on a volunteer basis and provide the agency with 24-hour coverage, 7 days a week, year-round. This coverage is accomplished by each Chaplain being singularly responsible for a 24-hour on-call shift on a rotating schedule. At present strength, each Chaplain serves approximately 3 shifts per month.
A Chaplain’s ministry is mandated by the 1971 Lemon vs Kurtzman Supreme Court decision (called the Lemon Rule) to have a secular purpose. NBPD Chaplains are trained to support and minister to all faiths without pushing a specific belief or denomination. Their mission focus is to help a person overcome a specific problem or work through a traumatic situation.
The New Braunfels Police Department and the NBPD Chaplaincy recognize the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC) as the gold star organization concerning the training and certification of Law Enforcement Chaplains. By having an ICPC Certified Instructor within the NBPD Chaplaincy we are able to offer that training and certification in-house.
Basic Qualifications Required of an NBPD Chaplain
The basic requirements for becoming a Chaplain with the New Braunfels Police Department are as follows:
Minimum 5 years of ministry experience
Ordained and Licensed by a recognized religious organization, or able to submit a Letter of Ecclesiastical Endorsement from the sponsoring church
Although not required, prior LE or military experience is valued
Able to pass a comprehensive background investigation
Possess a valid Texas Drivers License
Attend an interview with the NBPD Chaplaincy Application Review Board. During this interview you will need to be willing to discuss your current and/or former employment, training, certifications, experience, as well as some scenario-based questions
Exhibit a broad base of experience and professional maturity, emotional stability, and personal flexibility
Be willing and able to attend ICPC Basic Chaplains Training. This is held in-house and consists of approximately 36 hours of instruction and interaction
Be willing and able to go through the Citizens Police Academy. This consists of 12, 3-hour classes which are held one night per week over a 3 month period
Indicate a willingness to be involved in training(s) that will advance their efficiency in meeting and dealing with people in crisis
Be willing and available to respond to any and all situations where a Chaplains presence may be requested